All area rugs should be thoroughly vacuumed at least once a week. Approximately every six months, the rug should be turned over so that the back of the rug can be vacuumed.

All rugs should be turned 180 degrees every 12 months. This procedure will prolong wearability in the traffic patterns.

When vacuuming the rugs, it is important that the fringe does not get pulled into the vacuum.

All spills should be blotted immediately with a white paper or terry cloth towel. It is important that the pile is not rubbed while wet, nor should any chemicals, soaps or cleaners be applied to the soiled area.

Depending on the traffic load, the area rugs should be professionally hand washed every 18-24 months (particularly reversible rugs).

All rugs should have an appropriate pad. This helps to keep the underside of the rug clean and will cause less abrasion.